Category Archives: Ramblings

Universal income is not an option. It’s inevitable.

An article in this morning’s New York Times, “The Robots Are Coming”  raises the issue of what has been called a “universal income.”  The potential political candidate in the article, Andrew Yang, is proposing that the government should provide each adult … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Money, Philosophy, Politics | Leave a comment

Hanging up my spurs

Several years ago I gave my spurs to my eldest daughter, Amy.  They are special to me because of the memories attached to them, so I wouldn’t give them to just anyone.  But because she is particularly sentimental I knew … Continue reading

Posted in Biographical, Historical, Ramblings | Leave a comment

Ever heard of the petrodollar?

You have undoubtedly heard the term “petrodollar.” But, like most Americans, you probably don’t have a clue as to what it means, or how it has completely and totally affected the lives of every American.  And caused the deaths of … Continue reading

Posted in Money, Politics, Ramblings | Leave a comment

Bitcoins ain’t tulips.

This article entitled “Clint Eastwood’s Advice on Bitcoin Speculation,” is a perfect example of the kind of crap advice being given by financial commentators who are trapped in the old paradigm – only dollars are money. In it he compares the large … Continue reading

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Good fences make good neighbors.

I love Mexico.  And Mazatlan is an awesome place to live; but, like anywhere else on the planet, it has it’s downside. Someone stole a new lawn chair from our roof.  I’m not sure exactly when. We’ve only owned it … Continue reading

Posted in Biographical, Current, Ramblings | Leave a comment

Materialism versus Idealism. So what?

To say that the underlying assumption that we live in a materialistic reality is a belief shared by 99.9% of the people in the western world is probably understating it by several orders of magnitude.  Only in the eastern religions will … Continue reading

Posted in Philosophy, Ramblings, Religion, Science | Leave a comment

What flavor are you?

A religious friend of mine “liked” the following post, which caused it to pop up in my facebook feed. For six years now I have traveled for my Lord. After a half century of pastoring, or denominational work, I have … Continue reading

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When grocery boys made $18 an hour.

The headline reads “Shake Shack Confirms Worst Minimum-Wage-Hike’ Fears – “It’s Going Up Too Fast… We Can’t Catch Our Breath” Yeah Shake Shack.  That’s what happens when America tries to catch up after 50 years of underpaying its unskilled laborers. Before I go any … Continue reading

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Mental viruses infect billions!

What sets the human species, homo sapiens, apart from other animals?  Hint: It’s not our thumbs.  Other primates, including pandas, possums and koala bears have opposing thumbs.  It’s the size of our brains. All but the least intelligent of humans can … Continue reading

Posted in Philosophy, Ramblings, Religion | Leave a comment

There ain’t no tree, nor moon neither.

One of the most difficult concepts for human beings to wrap their heads around is… well… that their heads are wrapped around everything! One of the “ah-ha!” moments of my life was when it occurred to me, as I was … Continue reading

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